Talisman Rituals

Idea: Exporting Taoist culture, reshaping religious beliefs, and saving all sentient beings.
Promotion means: Global AI virtual Taoist priest promotion, immersive virtual Taoist temple.
Promotion content: Taoist culture, Taoist rituals, Taoist talismans.
Profit points: Taoist talismans, Taoist rituals.
Create a Taoist metaverse to bring the deceased relatives back to life in the virtual world and make up for regrets!
Introduction to Taoist rituals: Taoist rituals can be divided into yang rituals (such as celebrating birthdays, praying for blessings, warding off disasters and misfortunes, curing diseases and prolonging life, praying for peace and fulfilling wishes, etc.) and yin rituals (that is,deliver the souls of the dead  etc.).
Prayer/Disaster Resolution Rituals:
(1) Disaster Relief and Prayer Rituals: Including disaster relief and prayer rituals, sin forgiveness and disaster removal rituals, disease cure and life extension rituals, etc., praying for the protection of gods and spirits to eliminate disasters and solve difficulties and prolong life and bestow blessings.
(2) Worshiping Stars and Fighting Stars Rituals: Eliminating disasters and bestowing blessings, prolonging life and bestowing blessings.
(3) Prayer for serious diseases: Severe diseases that appear later, such as tumors, cancers, strokes, paralysis, rare diseases, incurable diseases, etc.
(4) Resolution rituals: Such as Worship the Tai Sui rituals, resolving Chind rituals, resolving villain rituals, etc., which are rituals conducted to solve specific problems.
Wealth Luck Rituals:
(5) Replenishing wealth storehouse / opening wealth gate rituals: Increasing personal wealth to achieve wealth growth and rapid business success.
(6) Returning yin debt rituals: Taoist ritual of returning life debt.
(7) Replenishing wealth storehouse / opening wealth gate rituals: Taoist ritual of wealth god.
(8) Boosting wealth luck rituals: Taoist ritual of wealth god.
(9) Five-way wealth attracting rituals: Taoist ritual of five-way wealth god.
(10) Enterprise opening wealth gate rituals: Enterprise opening wealth gate rituals to enable enterprises to grow rapidly and achieve income generation.
(11) Five-way debt collection rituals: Opening the altar to adjust and invite five-way debt collectors to make debtors pay debts as soon as possible.
(12) Business prosperity rituals: Helping merchants boost wealth luck and business traffic.
(13) Investment transfer rituals: Boosting wealth luck and investment transfer rituals.
Transcendence rituals:
(14) Transcendence for deceased relatives: So that they can reincarnate early, the souls of the deceased rest in peace, and bless the living relatives.
(15) Anniversary sacrifice for deceased relatives: Anniversary sacrifice for deceased relatives one year and three years and ten years after their death.
(16) Transcendence for ancestral clans: Transcendence rituals for ancestral clans.
(17) Transcendence for aborted fetuses: Transcendence for aborted / miscarried / induced fetuses.
(18) Transcendence for karmic creditors: Belonging to debts accumulated over lifetimes and causes and effects.
(19) Transcendence for haunted souls: Being haunted by haunted souls or wandering ghosts.
(20) Transcendence for those who died unjustly: Those who died unjustly whose life spans were not over, such as soldiers and civilians who died in war, to transcend the souls of the deceased and let them reincarnate early.
(21) Transcendence for suicides: Suicides have deep karmic obstacles and heavy resentments, and are relatively difficult to transcend.
(22) Transcendence for those who died in blood disasters and blood lakes: Transcendence for those who died in abortions or difficult births, those who were murdered, etc. who encountered blood disasters when they died.
(23) Transcendence for deceased pets: To enable them to leave the animal realm and reincarnate smoothly.
Wenchang Career / Official Luck Rituals:
(24) Boosting official luck rituals: To make the blessing owner promoted as soon as possible.
(25) Wenchang prosperity rituals: To make the blessing owner succeed in the imperial examination.
Special ritual: Special ritual is a ritual customized for individuals or families, such as prayer and transcendence rituals, which is handled one-on-one by senior Taoists according to certain ritual procedures and contains rich Taoist culture and belief system!

Introduction to Taoist talismans:
The "Taoist talisman" is one of the main means used by Chinese Taoism for preaching and cultivation. Generally speaking, the "talisman" refers to a mysterious image that combines dots and lines, combines characters and pictures, and mainly uses crooked strokes, which the Taoists claim to have many functions such as driving ghosts and gods, curing diseases and warding off disasters; the "spell" refers to a mantra with special audio effects, which is widely used by the Taoists for health care assistance, praying for blessings and disaster reduction, or summoning and driving ghosts to achieve the special purpose of the practitioner.
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Five-way wealth god talisman, disaster reduction charm, town house charm, college entrance examination charm, debt collection charm, cutting off peach blossom charm.